(11/21) SimphoSOFT Webinar: Introduction to Material Datbase of multi-photon absorption properties

We would like to invite you to join our upcoming Webinar which will introduce our new Material Database: MPA Info+.

Topic:   MPA Info+  --  first database containing detailed photo-physical properties of multi-photon absorbers    
Date:  20 November 2013
Times:  7:00  | 12:00  |  21:00   --  (Eastern Time USA, EST)

* 建議選擇第三時段為最佳, 台灣時間為 11/21 上午 09:00 (GMT)

Are you tired of spending hours doing library search to see what other people have already discovered about multi-photon absorber materials?  Do you remember how long does it take to fetch a specific optical parameter from a big pile of scientific papers collected in years? 

Simphotek’s MPA Info+ is the world’s first, comprehensive, searchable database for multi-photon absorber molecules which contains records of over 1,000 multi-photon materials. What makes this database unique is that you have an access to over 20,000 absorption and relaxation values collected from scientific publications over the last 2 decades. During the Webinar we will show how using simple, intuitive search procedures, you can find a MPA material with desired photo-physical properties in seconds rather than hours or days.

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Simphotek Webinars Schedule

During this Webinar you will learn

–        What photo-physical material and chemical properties are collected in Info+ material database

–        What searching criteria are available

–        How to list all materials that absorb in your desired wavelength range

–        How to choose the best material within desired emission/absorption range

Professionals and students working in the following areas should attend this Webinar

–        material characterization,

–        optical limiting,

–        optical data storage,

–        multi-photon fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy,

–        Photonics education


Our collection of application notes and videos will help you to decide whether this Webinar is relevant to your work.

System requirements:

–        PC-based participants:  Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server; IE 7.0, Firefox 4.0, Chrome 5.0

–        Mac-based participants: Mac OS X 10.6; Safari 3.0

–        iPad, iPhone or Androir: download free GoToMeeting app, WiFi connection recommended


2013-11-18 回上頁




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