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A New Domain of Waveguide Devices with Multi Topology (MT)-FIMMPROPWe’re pleased to announce the release of MT- FIMMPROP, the new additional module to FIMMPROP that expands the use of our market leading EigenMode Expansion method into a new domain of waveguide devices.
Simulating the Smallest of Details with EPIPPROP 3.4
We are pleased to announce the release of EPIPPROP version 3.4. This update allows you to examine the tolerance of your device with real world effects: Improved Accuracy in Quantum Wells with Harold 7.0
Harold’s newest update comes with the new k.p model, taking into account a non-parabolic band structure in quantum wells (QWs). This allows you to model gain, spontaneous emission, and perform carrier density calculations. Even More Flexibility in FIMMWAVE 7.4We’re pleased to announce the release of FIMMWAVE version 7.4. We’ve been increasing the amount of things that are possible when modelling Euler bends. Now you can model partial Euler bends which combine the Euler-bend sections with a constant-curvature bend. Such composite bends can be used to reduce bend losses in the devices you design.