Photon Design Newsletter - Spring 2023

Photon Design Newsletter - Spring 2023


The team at Photon Design have been hard at work over the last few months. Here are some of the highlights...



Harold 6.3 is released!

We are pleased to announce the release of Harold 6.3.0. This update includes: a new hot-cavity mode recalculation feature in the HaroldXY module, to simulate the changes in optical modes with increasing bias; improvements to the VCSEL module including support for reverse-biased tunnel junctions; support for Photon Design’s Kallistos optimiser tool, to allow automatic calibration/optimisation of devices; and performance improvements throughout. 

FIMMWAVE 7.4 is released!
We have exciting news about FIMMWAVE too! The Euler bend section has been greatly improved to include a specifiable length over which the maximum curvature is held, reducing bend losses and minimizing footprint.

Online Training
We've recently had another instalment of our Fimmwave Online Training sessions. We hope rollout PICWave training sessions soon too.
Do also look out for future training  events at conferences and exhibitions, as a company we are committed to providing the best experience possible for all our customers, through expert-level training events.


Photon Design Abroad!
We have been pleased to attend Photonics West and OFC, ECIO and PIC International. Do look out for us at future conferences this year.

Journal Publication Review
At Photon Design we are proud at how much academic work is done using our software. Here are some interesting papers which have recently been published:
- Dispersion-Diversity Multicore Fiber Signal   Processing Sergi García et al.

-Tuning of the plasmon resonance location in Au nanostructures coated with a ultrathin film of Al2O3 – Optical measurements and FDTD simulations Lapinski et al.

-Cascaded Bragg gratings in photonic crystal fiber for plasmonic cladding mode-based biosensing of HER2 protein Rusyakina et al.

Recently published a paper with the assistance of our software? Please tell us about it, we'd love to know!
                                           Warm Regards from all the team at           



2023-05-11 回上頁




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