{ FREE免費參加 } PD_FIMMWAVE Introduction seminars (3/31 - 1600PM) & additional intermediate training seminars (4/1 - 1600PM)



Photon Design將於本週二(3/31) 及本週三(4/1)分別舉行兩場online training. (免費參加!)


回覆內容請包含:姓名, 聯絡郵件地址, 聯絡電話, 公司名稱及欲參加的場次.


Dear Customers,

Next week Photon Design  will hold two additional intermediate training seminars, Wednesday April 1st, which will cover some of Fimmwave’s more advanced features, targeted at intermediate users who have a reasonable amount of experience using Fimmwave. This is a cut-down version of our regular training material, free of charge. Do look out for our more thorough online training with hands’-on materials, later in Spring 2020.

The session will cover many of the more nuanced aspects of Fimmwave and Fimmprop and will last roughly 1 hour. Topics include meshing, different boundary conditions and advanced techniques.


There will be two sessions to try and cover different time zones which will be as follows:

-          Wednesday April 1st,9am London (10am Paris and4pm Beijing)  

=>台灣與北京同時差,台灣用戶請報名參加此時段 (進階內容– 4/1()下午16:00)!!!!!

-          Wednesday April 1st, 5pm London (12pm New York and 9am Los Angeles)


Please reply to nsoper@photond.com to confirm which session you will attend, and we will send you a link to attend the web seminar. Also feel free to share this with anyone in your institution/company who would also benefit from this event.

If you would like to join by telephone, please reply to get the phone number for your region.




Dear Customers


Photon Design will be holding two seminars next week, Tuesday 31st of March, to introduce new users to Fimmwave. This session is primarily targeted towards brand new users, or those with only a little experience.

The session will cover many of the basic applications of Fimmwave, explain the basic theory of how the Eigenmode expansion method works and compare this to other engines.

It will also cover some basic tips and strategies to help you get the most out of Fimmwave as you begin to use it. Simple demos will also be given from the software itself.

There will be two sessions (~1 hour each) to cover different time zones which will be as follows:


-          Tuesday 31st March9am London (10am Paris and 4pm Beijing)

=>台灣與北京同時差,台灣用戶請報名參加此時段 (初階內容– 3/31()下午16:00)!!!!!

-           Tuesday 31st March 5pm London (12pm New York and 9am Los Angeles)


Please reply nsoper@photond.com to confirm which session you will attend and we will send you the invitation link. Also feel free to share this with anyone in your institution/company who would also benefit from this event.





2020-03-30 回上頁




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